Why Has WA Introduced The ‘Toughest’ Nang Laws In The Country?

Western Australia will introduce strict new laws limiting the sale of nitrous oxide in Australia, the misuse of which can cause brain and spinal cord injuries. Harm relating to inhaling the canisters, known as nangs is on the rise in WA. Despite the laws restricting the sale to eligible food and beverage businesses, there are fears many people will just turn to the black market. What are your thoughts LiveTribers? Why has WA introduced the ‘toughest’ nang laws in the country?

Posted by on 09 Apr 2024

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    Separation from rest of Australia

    Posted by onem on 14 May 2024

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    Other states aren't taking this issue seriously, so WA has decided to set a precedent. Might be partly due to indigenous communities where addictive substances are strictly controlled. But why has it taken this long anyway and why haven't other states banned this long ago. Its not even healthy when legally used due to some people's genes.

    Posted by T33 on 05 May 2024

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    Needs to be national, very toxic substance, should never be used for anything.

    Posted by LeafyGreen on 05 May 2024

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    Minh-Hai Henry

    It should be a national wide law. The use of the product is getting out of hand

    Posted by Minh-Hai Henry on 01 May 2024

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    WA has a high indigenous population who are plenty vulnerable to substance abuse. Whether people want to admit it or not, that's one of the most obvious reasons. There's no denying the effect that nangs could and do have on blackfellas who are already struggling with alcohol and everything else.

    Posted by Krazza on 19 Apr 2024

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    Hopefully the ban will take place in other states as well. Addiction to nang is no laughing matter.

    Posted by Chin on 19 Apr 2024

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    No laughing matter?

    Posted by Spiderwoman on 15 Apr 2024

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    I don't agree with the black market scenario. It's not that simple to sell to people, esp teens. They often have limited finances . They would have to know such people anyway. Most do it amongst their friends so it's often a peer pressure thing with many. Same with alcohol and cigarettes. Sniffing glue is something they could easily get hold of tho.

    Posted by MS on 13 Apr 2024

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    Tara Rata

    For the safety of the public. It's a terrible thing to get addicted to.

    Posted by Tara Rata on 12 Apr 2024

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    to help save innocent lives

    Posted by Lucia on 12 Apr 2024

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    Disregard for the interests of citizens.

    Posted by Isabella on 12 Apr 2024

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    I oppose out of concern for public health and safety.

    Posted by Jackson on 12 Apr 2024

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    There is some damage to the brain and spinal cord when ingested in excess.

    Posted by Aiden on 12 Apr 2024

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    Serious health effects may occur when ingested in excess.

    Posted by Aiden on 12 Apr 2024

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    Ensuring effective enforcement of the law should minimize the harm caused by nitrite abuse.

    Posted by Amelia on 12 Apr 2024

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    The government may need to develop a careful implementation plan.

    Posted by Ava on 12 Apr 2024

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    There may also be social pressure and public outcry.

    Posted by Noah on 12 Apr 2024

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    Serious health risks associated with nitrite abuse.

    Posted by Sophia on 12 Apr 2024

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    Although these laws are intended to protect public health, there may be concern that this will lead more people to turn to the black market to obtain nitrite products, thereby increasing the risks and hazards.

    Posted by Olivia on 12 Apr 2024

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    These restrictions may affect their lifestyle and consumption habits.

    Posted by Emma on 12 Apr 2024

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    Liaarm Smith

    Nitrites can cause serious health effects when consumed in excess, particularly damage to the brain and spinal cord.

    Posted by Liaarm Smith on 12 Apr 2024

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    I think that government regulation and laws can be necessary to protect health for people in WA in this way.

    Posted by bmlglp on 12 Apr 2024

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    Another invention of corrupt politicians...

    Posted by Guntis on 12 Apr 2024

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    Blank Jim

    Knee-jerk reaction to a perceived "need to be seen to be doing something", perhaps? There's nothing new about Nangs; I was known to enjoy the odd session on them 40+ years ago.

    Posted by Blank Jim on 12 Apr 2024

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    All the laws in the world will only keep honest people honest. Those who want to be stupid and inhale this substance will find a way to get it, and the fines will fall on those who are trying their best to only use it for the correct purpose in the first place. Looking back through history, prohibition of anything bad just forces it underground. Perhaps it would be better to find something else to replace this substance so it isn't needed to be used at all in the first place.

    Posted by CILLY0 on 12 Apr 2024

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    The harm it poses to the neuro system is very serious. Over using is consequential. Should restrict it's usage tightly.

    Posted by XIAOYANG on 12 Apr 2024

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    It's ridiculous. As long as they are needed for a legitimate purpose and sold on the market - people who want to misuse them will. There's no stopping them!

    Posted by Kirra on 12 Apr 2024

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    Banning is a good first step in trying to decrease the misuse of this product but as others have said the black market will be a supplier to those who are intent on getting it. Need to target suppliers and increase education measures to help reduce abuse of this product.

    Posted by allandiana on 12 Apr 2024

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    Does harm minimalisation come to mind? My guess is there are going to be some seriously pissed petrol heads unable to run NOS in their slightly mofdified motors.

    Posted by John on 12 Apr 2024

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    Won't only be available on the black market - people allowed to buy will be under pressure (or bribed), to do the buying for others who are ineligible. Same as with cigarettes and alcohol. We need to restrict sales to hopefully reduce and (and eventually stop everything except, perhaps, alcohol), by catching and prosecuting black marketeers and penalising harshly people who illegally buy for others. Parents who are adicted should be punished if they share with, or knowingly allow underage children to use, these harmful substances.

    Posted by Elsa on 12 Apr 2024

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    Chefs wont be under pressure, they will do it cos THEY want them too Ive known a few, they were always a reliable seller of other stuff

    Posted by squeekums1 on 15 Apr 2024

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    They are trying to reduce death and injury from these things. Unfortunately these products will still be available on the black market, because some greedy people seek to profit from selling these things. They should definitely educate children, teenagers and people about the dangers of using these products.

    Posted by tassiegirl on 12 Apr 2024

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    Why don't they ban vapes instead?

    Posted by chillielover on 12 Apr 2024

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    Good in theory, but generally when you ban something it just makes people want it more, ams they’ll still find a at to get it. Education is key, but with most people they are aware of what they’re doing but don’t care til it’s too late.

    Posted by tutti_cutie on 12 Apr 2024

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    Unfortunately it’s an unwinnable battle, it will always be available due to big business and GREED. We are dictated to by people without conscience or consequence, it’s sad we have to ban and restrict such products. But unfortunately the damage has already been done to a certain extent, education is the only hope for us in the future

    Posted by Rob on 12 Apr 2024

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    I think it is a good idea, but surely educating kids about the harms and scare them enough and they may be shocked enough to make the decision not to do it. Sadly some parents are not doing that job properly. Ecigs are also damaging to health but we don't see much action on stopping that.

    Posted by LeafyGreen on 12 Apr 2024

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    I have no idea but it seems to me that no matter what you ban stupid people find another way to harm themselves. There's drugs both legal and illegal, smoking, alcohol, vaping, glue sniffing as well as petrol sniffing. I steered my children through these minefields and they are now doing the same so surely it's up to parents to "parent" their children and not allow the government to become even more of a nanny state.

    Posted by Paula on 11 Apr 2024

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    Are compulsory seat belts part of the Nanny State? What about RBT - Random Breath Testing - speed cameras to detect drivers speeding at 170kph - Workplace Health & Safety laws - also part of your Nanny State? Many dozen of people are killed at their workplace every year, because of negligence by employers. So, you want rogue employers to have free rein?

    Posted by Shelley1 on 12 Apr 2024

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    They will just turn to huffing deodorant or butane which have unlimited release. Nangs are much smaller so you have a forced stop point that isnt with bigger cans I know this cos guess what we did as teens when we couldnt get nangs or nossies as we knew them?

    Posted by squeekums1 on 10 Apr 2024

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    To protect foolish / ignorant people from themselves? To avoid being sued when those people want to blame someone else?

    Posted by Spiderwoman on 10 Apr 2024

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    Is that the same stuff that dentists use? I did not know it was such a big health problem. I guess someone has to do something about it then.

    Posted by sulter on 10 Apr 2024

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    Hard to understand the mentality of youngsters who do this. If they want to be brain damaged --and, or intellectually impaired, then they are certainly on the right track. Mixing with bad people can get some kids involved in such stupid acts...that can endanger their health. Chroming has been a fairly big issue over the years. I guess if they ban this substance and that is good, the problem is that they will most likely try something else tho. More education in schools is needed. I bet their stupid parents don't have a clue what they get up to. Put them into sport. Too much time on their hands. It's a shame !

    Posted by MS on 09 Apr 2024

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    Dunno.... Like all dangerous habits anyone dumb enough to deliberately put life at risk for dubious pleasure deserves all the subsequent pain and suffering their decision causes...... including death!!!

    Posted by mact on 09 Apr 2024

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    'the misuse of which can cause brain and spinal cord injuries' The misuse of just about anything will cause harm or death to the user. Let's ban chocolate, the misuse of chocolate will cause diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, overweight etc etc. You can't keep people in cotton wool all their lives. At some stage, people should be responsible for their actions.

    Posted by ere on 10 Apr 2024

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