Should Young Children Be Made To Wear Face Masks?

In Singapore and many other countries around the world, it’s common for young children to wear masks against Covid-19. But aside from the protection they may provide against the virus, might they pose a risk to their longer-term development and furthermore their health? What do you think LiveTribers? Should young children be made to wear face masks?

Posted by on 27 Oct 2021

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    Yes if it keeps them safe

    Posted by Jazz78 on 19 Nov 2021

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    Hell no they should not

    Posted by Holly on 19 Nov 2021

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    Frankly, I've yet to find a child who doesn't want to wear a mask! Especially if they're with others wearing one, no matter whether adult or child. Kids like to be part of the crowd and join in.

    Posted by Jezemeg8 on 03 Nov 2021

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    Kids learn early to wear clothes, and to put on shoes before going outside. And don't seem to mind wearing clothes all day! So if they will learn to wear masks too. And probably have no qualms about it if they see people, teachers, and other kids doing the same. They are adaptable too! As for long-term development . . . . they will still see facial expressions & follow communication at home and on TV programs. Their communication skills will still develop.

    Posted by Aatrasoh on 30 Oct 2021

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    My great nephew and nieces live in Melbourne and go to school as their parents are essential workers. They are 4 and 5 and wear masks and have no problem doing so. They have had to go into quarantine a few times due to being in contact with someone who came to the school who was positive. I have others in Shepperton in a likewise situation. I think short term as they do not wear them 24/7 I would rather have them have some form of protection against the virus as if they get it there could be a sad result. One wears a mask that looks like a fox and the other a butterfly. I do not know why people are so against masks, social distancing, washing hands etc. Are they too precious to protect others in the community including their own families.

    Posted by coaster on 28 Oct 2021

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    Until 5 to 12 yr.olds get vaccinated absabloodylutely! The Covid Sars microorganism does NOT care what age you are . It's spread by respiratory droplet so its an absolute NO brainer to require unvaccinated kids attending School to be masked up.! Anti maskers and Antivaxxers are very foolish and living in a parallel Universe.!!!!

    Posted by mact on 27 Oct 2021

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    There are many novelty masks out in the marketplace with alsorts of funny face designs. Mask wearing can be fun for the whole family. Kids don't have to be forced into it.

    Posted by edward on 27 Oct 2021

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