Is There An Ideal Age For Siblings?

Some parents love having their kids close together so the experiences of sleepless nights, potty training, feeding etc happen at the same time. For others, a big gap is preferred to manage one child’s development at a time. With siblings close in age, it takes a great deal of patience for parents to handle the many nerve-racking moments without feeling emotionally drained. With siblings further apart in age, parents are faced with these stressful situations less often. It is also easier to give your children one-to-one attention, and sibling tension and jealousy are less likely. What are your thoughts LiveTribers? Is there an ideal age for siblings?

Posted by on 23 Jan 2024

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    Minh-Hai Henry

    Ideal would be 2-3 years maybe for upbringing. I live with a cousin who I am 18 years older than we get along really well like siblings

    Posted by Minh-Hai Henry on 17 May 2024

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    Every family has different situations. Every couple have their own circumstances. Hard to prescribe any ideal age for siblings. I have a big sister who is 10 yrs older than me. She takes care of everyone in the family but she is very bossy. She is the queen of everything to everyone. Hard to communicate with her. Her next two generations are very close in ages, only 2 years difference. My two nieces have no generation gap. They are more equal in dealing with each other but they don't take care of each other. My two grand nieces are still very young (just age 6 and 4) but the elder one is very consciously taught to take care of her little 'baby sister'. She is very proactive towards her little sister. Always let the younger siblings to have her ways over her despite there are times she shows the typical big bossy elder sister to other people in the family. I can anticipate when they grow up, the elder one will be a protective elder sister.

    Posted by June on 17 Feb 2024

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    My oldest sibling is nine years my senior. Her son is nine years my junior. The oldest siblings were closer in age. I don't believe it's a bad thing to have a much older sibling. I don't agree! Unless you have older siblings how would you know. I don't believe my parents were under stress because of the age difference. I think if you have too many kids close in age then that can definitely cause stress. Are you an expert? Lol.

    Posted by MS on 04 Feb 2024

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    No it is all different, my brother was 4 years older and my sister is 10 years younger. I ended up the middle child and not clost to either although I helped my mum a lot with my sister and was close before I left home. My brother was too overbearing and controllling so not good there either. So it boils down to personailities and parenting not age differences. My parents were too busy during my childhood but my sister had a lot more attention when they weren't as busy.

    Posted by LeafyGreen on 28 Jan 2024

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    Personal preference and go with your gut feeling. I knew I was not ready for a 2nd at the time for them to be 2years adapt but was at 3

    Posted by Annita on 28 Jan 2024

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    I had my two boys two years apart. Neither of them were planned pregnancies. I did find it somewhat difficult to look after them with that age gap. The older one wanted me to give him attention while I was trying to get the baby to sleep and I think he felt that he missed out. I would spend time with him when the baby was sleeping but I still think he felt like he didn't have the full attention of his mummy. If I could have picked an ideal age gap I would probably have them 4 years apart.

    Posted by vlee on 28 Jan 2024

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    It is an individual choice and there are no rules regarding this. I am sure if you wish you could research and find the exact article on Dr Google which provides you the information to make that decision. Dr Google is all knowing LOL

    Posted by Raelene on 28 Jan 2024

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    Siblings will always bond no matter the age gap! There is 20 years difference between my sisters kids and they are as close as any siblings born within a few years apart !

    Posted by Jigsaw on 28 Jan 2024

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    There's really nothing perfect gap, but 3-5 years should be ideal.

    Posted by AYOMIDE on 28 Jan 2024

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    The ideal age for siblings can vary from family to family. Some people prefer having siblings close in age, while others prefer a bigger age gap. It really depends on what works best for each family.

    Posted by Joy on 28 Jan 2024

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    I really could have used a sibling from infancy. It would have been a much better childhood. Emotional support and better socialisation and regular company. I’m pretty sure it’s the reason I’m a loner today. Never had any company as a kid.

    Posted by SagoLeo on 28 Jan 2024

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    I think 2yrs apart is ideal. My sister and myself are 7yrs and she did a lot of the baby sitting, she tells me often enough that I was a real brat.

    Posted by Gloria on 26 Jan 2024

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    It depends on the parent's situation. Some people struggle to have children. It depends on the parent's physical, whether their relationship is stable, mental health, financial health and fertility. I am the oldest of 4 children. I have a younger brother who is 8 years younger. I have 2 younger sisters, one is 3 and a half years younger and the other is 6 and a half years younger than me. My parents had us when they were young. They were 22 and 23 when they had me. I grew up closest to my nearest sister. The two youngest children are also closest. I had my daughter at 38. We have one child but hope to have another child. My Granny had 4 children. She had them all 4 years apart. It worked for her, as she was able to spend alone time with each child. I think it depends on the parents and how they are going and how they are feeling. Some people are overwhelmed with too many small children and prefer to space their children out. My nan was one of 7 children. She was the second youngest.

    Posted by tassiegirl on 25 Jan 2024

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    Mine are 8 years apart and that worked well for me. Great idea to have them apart so you can give the young one all the attention they need/

    Posted by sulter on 24 Jan 2024

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    I went with no siblings and an only child lol Me and her both think this is perfect

    Posted by squeekums1 on 23 Jan 2024

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    I my case I didn't get to choose when my children would arrive, they came when I was lucky enough to have them. I have 3 living children with 4 and a half years between the first and second and three and a half between second and third. I'm glad I had the spaces because number 2 was quite difficult, but otherwise it depends upon the children and doesn't have much to do with how close or how far apart they are. It's all about personalities.

    Posted by Paula on 23 Jan 2024

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    There is no perfect gap but at least 2 to 3 years allowing baby time bonding and per toddler learning to crawl walk say a few words and understand about a new sibling plus mommy and daddy time with each child

    Posted by mary on 23 Jan 2024

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    My children are almost five years apart. They do things together which is great. I don't think there is an ideal age difference but I feel around two to three years is ideal.

    Posted by chocogirl21 on 23 Jan 2024

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    My cfhildren are three years apart and this was lovely as my son could do some things himself while I looked after his baby sister. My daughter has twins which were a surprise and two so close together has its advantages. It isa lot of work though. I am looking forward to reading other members experiences.

    Posted by Enchantress on 23 Jan 2024

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