How May Immunotherapy Replace The Need For Surgery In The Future?

A “gamechanger” immunotherapy drug that “melts away” tumours dramatically increases the chances of curing bowel cancer and may even replace the need for surgery, doctors have said. The drug ‘Pembrolizumab’ targets and blocks a specific protein on the surface of immune cells that then seek out and destroy cancer cells. Giving the drug before surgery instead of chemotherapy led to a huge increase in patients being declared cancer-free, a clinical trial found. The results were presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), the world’s largest cancer conference. What do you think LiveTribers? How may immunotherapy replace the need for surgery in the future?

Posted by on 12 Jun 2024

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    This site is a complete joke. They still keep removing my points. Stuff their surveys where it hurts!

    Posted by MS on 30 Jun 2024

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    There is no golden bullet for cancer problems and one's DNA should be tested first to see whether the new drugs coming out will be life changing or just add another problem to the mix. We are progressing, but oh, so slowly.

    Posted by CILLY0 on 18 Jun 2024

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    This sounds great but what are the side effects?

    Posted by sulter on 13 Jun 2024

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    All immunotherapy has a tendency to affect adrenal glands and the thyroid. The support group i was in for my husband's cancer had a lot of patients who developed adrenal insufficiency or worse, Addison's or Cushing's disease and needed lifelong adrenal medication and some also needed thyroid medication as adrenals have a flow on affect to the thyroid. One cancer patient in our group had their medical team simply say go home and die. A lady in our group then said your husband's symptoms are more like his adrenals are not coping. The man's wife then demanded that his cortisol gets tested and that's when the doctor realised what was going on. Fortunately my husband's oncologist warned us in advance and was checking cortisol and full thyroid panel.

    Posted by T33 on 14 Jun 2024

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    This isn't a new drug. Cancer patients in Australia have used this for quite some time. It heavily depends on the individual on whether it can even work. It did absolutely zero for my husband and others, but then some people found it has helped to keep the tumour stable/diminished. I believe its more a case of ticking off all the reasons which keep a tumour growing.

    Posted by T33 on 12 Jun 2024

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    Depending on the pathology there is a place for all proven treatment modes in any treatable disease. Immunotherapy will continue to evolve but will never replace all Surgery!

    Posted by mact on 12 Jun 2024

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    It's easy to get worked up about new drugs but what drugs don't have side effects? You obviously only read the pros and not the cons. Prevention is still the best treatment.

    Posted by MS on 12 Jun 2024

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    There's a lot more research and clinical testing to be done. There are a lot of side effects from Immunotherapy and chemo works a lot quicker. In some cases, chemo will be better and immunotherapy will be more suitable in others. Immunotherapy while a step in the right direction isn't the magic 'fix-all' yet.

    Posted by ere on 12 Jun 2024

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