Author Archives: livetribe

7 Moments That Shaped Australia

If nothing else, Australians are a patriotic bunch. We enjoy cheering on our athletes even when they fall short (looking at your Socceroos!) and it’s instilled in us to give everything a go. Here are just some of the moments that shaped our history and culture. Dutch Exploration. Everyone knows that the British were the […]

Net Neutrality: Will Australia Follow Suit?

Net Neutrality - Will Australia Follow Suit?

Though it may seem complicated, the core concept at the heart of net neutrality is actually very simple. Net neutrality is the idea that all Internet Service Providers should enable access to ALL content and applications on the Web equally. Regardless of its source and without favouring (or penalising) any site or service. The sudden […]

What Does the Tesla Powerwall Mean for Solar Power?

What the Tesla Powerwall means for solar power

Tesla is a very rich company (in more ways than one). They have their hands in so many tech ventures it can be hard to keep track of them all. From electric cars to launching people to Mars, Tesla and its founder Elon Musk have big plans for our future. But perhaps the most important […]

The Four Tech Advancements That Will Change Our World

Tech Advancements That Will Change The World

Technology is evolving at such a rapid pace we can sometimes lose track of how far we’ve come and don’t realise it means more than just “our phones take better pictures” or “I can stream videos super quickly”. Right now, scientists and engineers are hard at work on everything from implantable health monitors to computers […]

World No Tobacco Day 2018: Are you up for the challenge?

World No Tobacco Day 2018

If you learned you could eliminate the largest cause of death in the Western world, would you actually do it? Do you know how many people die of tobacco-related causes every year? Over seven million. More than 6 million of those deaths are the result of direct tobacco use. Leaving over half a million deaths […]

Are Robots Actually Going to Take Our Jobs?


Just in case you haven’t heard, the world is going artificial intelligence mad and it has a lot of Aussies worried that one day, robots might just take our jobs. So, what is Artificial Intelligence? (or AI for all those tech heads out there). The technical definition of Artificial Intelligence is the ability of a […]

How To Wake Up Early This Winter

With the weather getting colder and colder, we can finally feel the cold effects of Autumn. Whether we like it or not, this means that Winter is fast approaching! Although this calls for warm drinks and cosy blankets, it also means the struggle to get out of bed is real! For some of us, getting […]

How to Unbusy yourself

How to Unbusy yourself

One of our greatest challenges as humans is being busy. For most of us our days consist of chores, work and taking care of family and friends which results in us having insanely busy schedules. Although it can be somewhat ‘normal’ to be busy, busyness can often lead to stress and most importantly, us loosing […]

4 Easy Ways To Reduce Waste Today

4 Easy Ways To Reduce Waste Today

On one of our previous blogs, we discussed the topic of our carbon footprint. And although we believe our amazing LiveTriber’s are doing what they can to help the environment, we are still struggling with a huge waste problem in our country! Often, we think helping the environment means dropping everything and living a completely […]

Budgeting Basics

Budgeting Basics

One of the hardest things to do is budgeting – if only we could have an infinite supply of money and buy whatever we like, anytime we like but unfortunately that’s not the case. Earning money requires hard work and time which means its important to spend our money wisely. But not everyone can do […]