Author Archives: livetribe

3 Ways You Can Do Your Bit to Reduce Your Food Wastage

Food Waste

According to a wide range of different studies, there is enough food produced every year that absolutely nobody should go hungry. So why is world hunger still such a pressing concern for so many nations? Well, nearly one-third of all food produced every year, or roughly 1.3 billion tonnes worth, is wasted. Not only does […]

How You Can Get Fit While Changing The World

According to one recent study, nearly 46% of the workforce in the UK say that they’re simply too busy to exercise on a daily basis. The same thing is true for many countries around the world, including here in Australia. In an era where it’s been proven that not exercising is worse for your long-term […]

Want to Change the World This Christmas? Here Are the Gift Ideas To Know About

christmas gift ideas

According to one recent study, holiday spending around the world literally exceeded one trillion dollars a few years ago – and that is one trend that shows absolutely no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Have you ever stopped to wonder about what other uses that money might be good for – the ones that […]

Everything You Need to Know About Where All the Koalas Actually Are

Where did all the koalas go

Koalas are about as Australian as it gets. Right up there with Akubras, magpies and of course, the loveable wombat. Australia without koalas just doesn’t make sense! Koalas can live for 15 years or more under the right conditions. Unfortunately, the “right” conditions are becoming more and more rare these days. Since 2012, the Australian […]

Water Wastage, and What We Can Collectively Do About It

Clean water is one of the cornerstones of our daily lives – as a species that is made up of mostly water, this should come as no surprise. But what may be startling – is the current state of our water supply across the globe. According to one recent study, a massive 844 million people […]

Lab Meat: Passing Fad, or the Way of the Future?

Lab meat

As a concept, lab meat, also known as fake meat is manufactured in a laboratory that does not involve the slaughter of livestock in any way. It is certainly nothing new, however, a number of recent trends have seen the topic return to the minds of both farmers and consumers with increasing regularity. There was […]

It’s Time to Learn the Truth About Poker Machines

Gambling addiction doesn’t discriminate, it can happen to a millionaire or the average Aussie – but according to a number of recent studies, us Aussie’s seem to have it worse than most. Studies suggest Australians lost more money per person in 2016 than in any other developed country – to the tune of about $990 […]

Is Vaping As Safe as Some Claim? Let’s Break Things Down

Earlier this year we challenged LiveTribers to quit smoking with World No Tobacco Day now we look into vaping, something people have started to call a healthier alternative to traditional cigarette smoking. Vaping may have entered into the public consciousness a few years ago as a fad, but it has long since proven itself to […]

Sexism: Your Experience and Your Opportunity to Sound Off


The definition of the term sexism is as follows: sex·ism ˈsekˌsizəm/ noun prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.   Somehow, in Australia in the year 2018, that definition seems to be about the only thing that most people agree on when it comes to this topic (and even then, […]

Reusable Bags, Keep Cups, Metal Straws: Are These Techniques Making a Difference?

Reduce Envirnomental Waste

Collectively, we all have a problem with waste. Not just in Australia. Not just in the United States. Around the world. When things get so bad that the Pope is literally speaking out against the “endless fields of floating plastic” that litter our oceans, you know a situation is in dire straights. Plastic is everywhere. […]