Author Archives: livetribe

How Does The Australian Education System Stack Up?

Australia is a lucky country. Blessed with beautiful beaches and full of welcoming smiles. But when it comes to learning and education, Australia might as well be in the dark ages. The OECD Global Education Rankings Explained If someone told you that Australia sat behind Bulgaria, Slovenia and Mexico when it came to global education […]

Can We Kick Our Binge Drinking Habit?

When you think of binge drinking you probably think of rowdy teenagers downing countless alcopop concoctions. When actually, binge drinking is classified as consuming four (or more) standard drinks in one sitting. Alcohol is heavily embedded in Australian culture. When convicts arrived part of their payment included rum and excessive drinking has been a problem […]

What Is Fast Fashion and Why Is It Harmful?

How many times have you bought a new top that you didn’t really need? Maybe you liked the way it made you look or perhaps you thought it was a good price, a bargain even! Chances are you didn’t think about where the top was made or what the working conditions of the people responsible […]

A Guide to Understanding Your Carbon Footprint

A carbon footprint is defined as:  The total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2). Basically, everything you do in your day to day life has some sort of impact on the world around you. Whether you hop in your car […]

5 Techniques to Get a Great Night’s Sleep

Everyone knows that getting a solid night of sleep is important to staying healthy and performing your best throughout the day. Nobody wakes up after 4 hours of tossing and turning feeling their best (and if you do… what is your secret?!). But falling and staying asleep for the recommended 7 – 9 hours can […]

Is It Too Late To Save Our Native Animals?

Native animals have it pretty tough here in Australia, with frequent 45-degree days and predators around every corner, the Australian outback isn’t for the faint of heart. Throw in climate change, deforestation, poaching and it’s near impossible for some of our animals to survive. More than 80% of our flora, fauna and reptiles are unique […]

5 Realistic New Year’s Resolutions

As 2018 draws to a close and the new year inches closer, there’s no doubt a lot of Aussies will be setting themselves some New Year’s Resolutions. According to this YouGov poll, the most common resolutions involve weight loss, eating healthier and saving money. While vowing to lose 10 kg and stop eating chocolate are […]

2018 In Review: The Biggest Stories of The Year

The year might not be officially over yet, but  it’s been quite a ride 2018 and a lot of people are probably pretty happy to see the back of you (talking about you Logan Paul and Roseanne Barr).  It’s been a year full of wild weather and of course, the British Royal Family…  Wild, Wild […]

What The Heck Are Designer Babies?

A recent case of apparent genome editing in China has reignited the debate about whether designer babies are ethical, but it’s a lot more complicated than just picking a certain hair colour. Imagine yourself as a tiny cluster of cells in a dish just waiting to be implanted… on second thought don’t imagine that unless […]

The Tech That Will Revolutionise 2019 For the Better

Every few years, technology advances to the point where it makes a meaningful and lasting impact on our society. One of the best examples of this idea in action is 2007 when Steve Jobs introduced Apple’s iPhone to the world. It’s hard to imagine an age where we weren’t constantly connected to one another via […]